Air-Cooled Porsche Meet May 24

We’d like to invite owners of air-cooled Porsches to join us for the third annual AIRKULD meet, greet & show to be held at Eurasia on Saturday, May 24th from 10am to 2pm. Registration is requested.

On the Saturday following the May long weekend, Eurasia’s parking lot has become a meeting palace for friends of the air-cooled boxer engine. Friends who understand that driving a vintage Porsche is like entering a time capsule where the feeling, the sound and the smell of these classic cars is unique … and quite therapeutic.

Last year’s successful event had a few enthusiasts asking if the event might sell out in 2025. Of course we’re hoping the parking lot will be full. But there is a limit, so please register early if you intend to show your air-cooled Porsche.

Participants who register to show their air-cooled Porsche at the event will receive a goodie bag, event T-shirt, and complimentary lunch from the Curbside by A Cappella food truck. To register, please telephone Ralph at Eurasia or send an email to and include the following information:

Your name:
Year and model of the vehicle you will display:
Your T-shirt size:

If you are bringing a guest, your guest’s name:
Your guest’s T-shirt size:

If you know of others who would like to participate and show their air-cooled Porsche, please share this invitation or let Ralph know in your reply.

Yes, spectators are welcome … there will be ample parking east of the shop on 90th Street.

Yes! Eurasia can service your vehicle during the warranty period.

The choice is yours.

Yes you CAN have your new Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, MINIPorsche or VW/Volkswagen vehicle serviced or repaired at an independent repair facility without affecting the vehicle manufacturer’s defect warranty.

You are still responsible for maintenance and replacement of wear items while your ‘new’ vehicle is under warranty. Items NOT covered by the manufacturer’s warranty typically include oil changes, lubrication service, filter replacement, preventive and mileage-based maintenance, tune-ups, brakes, tires, and any other parts that are considered to be ‘consumed’ during normal operation of the vehicle. All of this service and repair work can be done by any independent facility. And of course, we hope you will choose Eurasia Automotive.

Having this work performed by an independent absolutely will NOT void the manufacturer’s warranty. Independent facilities have access to exactly the same parts used by the dealer, and often have access to the same suppliers that the manufacturer buys from but at a considerably lower price. Independent facilities can perform the same work a dealer does to the same standard, thus maintaining all of your warranty coverage. In fact, Canadian trade organizations representing vehicle manufacturers and authorized auto dealers recently agreed to share technical and repair data with independent repair shops so consumers can select where they want to have their vehicle serviced and repaired.

Of course vehicle manufacturers will not pay an independent facility to correct factory defects or recalls, so manufacturer defects must still be corrected by a dealer. Some security-sensitive work must also be performed by dealers, such a key code programming. However, the overriding good news for you is you have a choice when deciding where to have preventative maintenance service and general repair work done. Frankly, preventative maintenance and replacement of ‘consumables’ is the bulk of the work done on most vehicles during the warranty period.

As an independent service facility Eurasia Automotive works hard to gain and retain your business.  We are proud of the personal service we provide, which has kept our customers coming back for over 40 years.  We also shop multiple sources for quality parts and then pass the savings on to you.  The cost savings of choosing Eurasia Automotive over the dealer can be significant.  Especially over the next 40 years!

The bottom line is this: Consumers should should not be unduly influenced by dealers’ claims that only a dealer can work on your vehicle under warranty. It really is your choice.

COVID-19 Response at Eurasia

YES, we are still open!

Thank you for asking. We continue to operate on our regular business hours, being Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Alberta considers automobile repair to be an essential service. However, due to distancing, people are driving less and their vehicles are requiring less repair and maintenance. Many of our staff have voluntarily reduced their workweek, meaning that you may not see all the usual faces on any given day of the week. Otherwise, it’s business as usual.

You may ask, “What is Eurasia doing to protect its customers?” We are following directions from the Government of Canada and Alberta Health with respect to best practices for preventing transmission of COVID-19. Several weeks ago, we implemented preventative measures in our premises including that:

  • We have increased the cleaning protocol in customer service areas, washrooms and work areas. This includes use of disinfecting products, with increased attention to high touch points.
  • Customers washrooms have ample soap and paper towel for hand washing.
  • We have multiple options for contactless drop-off and pickup … please ask for details.
  • Eurasia staff will use gloves and disinfectant wipes and spray to handle customer vehicle touch points before and after service. This starts when you first deliver us your keys.
  • We can facilitate all customer contact by telephone or email once your car arrives.
  • Eurasia staff are practicing social distancing both at and away from work.
  • Eurasia staff have been advised to stay home if they are showing signs of fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
  • Eurasia staff who have been out of the country will self-quarantine before returning to work, in accordance with Government guidance.

We continue to operate our courtesy shuttle. However, we are essentially operating as a taxi. The City of Edmonton now restricts all trips to only one (1) passenger unless the riders are members of the same household, in a close personal relationship or the passenger requires a caregiver. We simply do not have room in our mini-van to provide the necessary two-metre separation distance between multiple passengers and the driver. Please be patient if you require a ride. Or better yet, arrange a ride with someone from your own household to minimize your own risk. Thank you for that.

Our staff thanks you for your support and understanding as we navigate through difficult times, and we wish you good health.

Announcing the Track Junkies 2015 program

We are excited to announce our 2015 Track Junkies lapping event schedule, as well as some changes to the Track Junkies program that we hope will make our events even more enjoyable and popular.

Special Events with Ross Bentley

We are very pleased to announce that Ross Bentley will be coming to Edmonton for a couple of special events to kick off our 2015 season …

  • Friday, April 24 – Instructor Clinic. Open to all WCMA, NASCC, BMW AADS, and of course Track Junkies instructors and instructor candidates.
  • Saturday, April 25 – Advanced Driver Clinic. Open to all solo-qualified drivers.
  • Detailed information on these events is »here
  • We thank WCMA and BMW AADS for financial contributions that significantly reduced the price of the Instructor Clinic.

NEW FOR 2015: TIME ATTACK run groups

You may already know that CSCC did not request any 2015 dates for their Solo1 program. To fill the gap, we will be offering at least one competitive Time Attack run group at each open lapping event, with AMB timing transponders available for rent. Participants can accumulate points throughout the season and qualify for prizes and/or trophies at the end of the season.  Time Attack run groups will use RED (Advanced) group passing protocols.  This does require a minor adjustment to our schedule … but thankfully Castrol Raceway is allowing us to run one extra hour per day so we can fit in this additional run group.

Here are our 2015 open lapping dates:

  • Friday, May 8 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (precedes WMCA race license school)
    (For clarification, a race license is NOT required for any Track Junkies events)
  • Friday, May 29 from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • Tuesday, June 9 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Sunday, June 21 (Father’s Day) from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Friday, June 26 from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • CANADA DAY Wednesday, July 1 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Friday, July 31 from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • Sunday, August 16 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Friday, August 28 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • LABOUR DAY Monday, September 7 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Friday, September 11 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • THANKSGIVING Monday, October 12 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Registration is already open at for our entire season of lapping events.

Subway is back for 2015!

Subway has again offered to sponsor lunches at our Track Junkies open lapping events.  Please thank your fellow Track Junkies Peter Spencer and Paul Sarlis for making this great offer.

Castrol On-Track Experience is returning for 2015

In concert with  Southside Mitsubishi , Track Junkies is again partnering with Castrol Raceway to offer “On-Track Experience”, where drivers can come out and run a few laps behind the Southside Mitsubishi pace car.  This is a great opportunity for anyone who has never been on track, or who may be a bit intimidated by the prospect of solo lapping, to experience the track in a lower-intensity event format.  Dates for On-Track Experience are May 13, May 27, June 10, June 24, and July 8 (all are Wednesday evenings). The cost will be $99 for the evening.

Announcing the Track Junkies 2014 program

As a corporate sponsor of Track Junkies lapping events, we are excited to announce the 2014 Track Junkies lapping event schedule, as well as some changes to the Track Junkies program that we hope will make our events even more enjoyable and popular.

 Here are the 2014 dates:

  • Friday, May 2 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (precedes WMCA race license school)
    (For clarification, a race license is NOT required for any Track Junkies events)
  • Sunday, May 11 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Friday, May 23 from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • Wednesday, June 4 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Friday, June 13 from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • Wednesday, June 18 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday, July 1 (Canada Day) from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Friday, July 11 from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • Wednesday, July 30 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday, August 12 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Friday, August 22 from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • Wednesday, August 27 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Friday, September 12 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (precedes NASCC race weekend)
  • Saturday, September 20 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

For evening events Track Junkies still offers 2+ hours of scheduled seat time, and for daytime events nearly 3 hours of scheduled seat time … a great value, that is about to get better.

Registration is already open at for the entire season of lapping events.

Here are the main changes to the 2014 program:

  • Rates are going down … $295 for full day events and afternoon-evening events; $195 for evening-only events; and $100 for instruction. All include GST.
  • Annual memberships are no longer part of the program or rate structure.  That means no up-front membership fee, just a lower overall track rate for everyone.
  • You’ll notice the schedule includes several Fridays from 1-9, rather than 9-4.  This opens up the evening before race weekends for those who are travelling, or cannot take a full day off work to practice. Also a great excuse for anyone who wants to sneak out early on Fridays!
  • There will be a second drivers meeting at 5:40 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday evening events, and at 5:15PM on the Friday afternoon/evening events, to make it easier for latecomers.  Lets face it … not everyone can leave work early.
  • Subway has offered to sponsor lunches on those event days where Castrol’s concessions are not open.  Please thank your fellow Track Junkies Peter Spencer and Paul Sarlis for making this great offer and looking after the logistics.
  • Coordinated point-by passing in the red (advanced) run group.  This means a roll bar and 5-point harnesses and SA helmet and HANS device are no longer mandatory to test-and-tune with the big boys (you still need lots of experience and situational awareness, and you must be comfortable giving a point-by everywhere on the track and running two-wide through all the corners).
  • Going to point-by passing in red group allows Track Junkies to welcome open wheel racecars test-and-tune at our events.  Yes, you read it correctly … welcome open wheel cars. So bring out your Van Diemen, your Formula Ford, your Tatus, your Thunder Roadster … all are welcome.
  • Going to point-by passing in the red group also adds some instruction capacity.  Instruction will still be provided primarily in the green run group, but allowing instructors without roll bars to move up to red means we can also provide instruction in the yellow run group.  This should allow us to provide instruction to more new people at each event, and alleviate the shortage of instructors we had this season.
  • Instructors … if you are working (meaning you are assigned a student), your fees will be waived entirely. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge, and helping new people find their way into this great sport.
  • Our first year was tough financially, so this year events will run only when 20 or more participants are registered for an event.  What this means is that if you look at the registration list a week before one of our events and see only 15 people registered, you can help us by reaching out to your track friends and getting them to commit. Of course you have to register to see the list … so thank you for committing.

Introducing the Castrol On-Track Experience:

This year Castrol Raceway will be stepping up its advertising and awareness of the road course, now that the full track is operational and much of the landscaping will be completed.  As part of this awareness campaign, Track Junkies is partnering with Castrol Raceway to offer something called “On-Track Experience”, where drivers who have never been to a track can come out and run a few laps behind the Southside Mitsubishi pace car.  If you are wondering how On-Track Experience compares to open lapping, running behind a pace car means slightly slower speeds than drivers experience at our regular events, no passing, and 5 laps per session (then get into line again if you wish). On-Track Experience is intended to be a stepping-stone to solo lapping, which we hope will generate some additional interest for all organizations that rent the road course.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in getting on track but perhaps is still a bit intimidated by the prospect of solo lapping.  Tentative dates for On-Track Experience are May 7, May 21, June 11, and July 9 (all are Wednesday evenings). The cost will be $99 for the evening.

Gifting Someone A Day At The Track:

You may know that the MotorsportReg system does not allow for gifting someone a day at the track … but we have a solution.  Partnering with Castrol gives Track Junkies access to Castrol’s ticketing system.  The Castrol Tix website  lists several Track Junkies gift options.

CPA Red Carpet Affair

Once again, Eurasia Automotive is pleased to support the Canadian Paraplegic Association’s annual Red Carpet Affair fundraiser.  The 2014 Red Carpet Affair takes place March 13 at the Shaw Convention Centre. Information on the event can be found here.  Tickets are available, and donations are welcome.

The Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta) provides support to individuals and families facing the challenge of living life with a spinal cord injury.  When spinal cord injury happens, life changes! Suddenly, little things like eating, dressing and even breathing can become a challenge. Dreams of relationships, sexuality, parenting, aging, recreation, education, employment, and the future in general are replaced with overwhelming uncertainty. For over 50 years, the CPA has been bringing hope to individuals and families facing difficult times.

The need is great.  In 2010, there were an estimated 86,000 Canadians living with spinal cord injuries and approximately 4,300 additional new injuries occurring each year.  In Alberta alone, there were 186 new spinal cord injuries in 2010. It is estimated that by 2030, the number of Canadians living with spinal cord injury will climb to over 120,000 due in part to aging of the Canadian population and more accidents occurring as a result of falls.  The need for services for those with spinal cord injury and other physical disabilities is as important today as it was in when CPA Alberta was founded in 1961. In fact, the need continues to grow!

For the eighth consecutive year, we are proud to sponsor CPA’s Red Carpet Affair fundraising event, and help CPA continue to assist Albertans with spinal cord injuries to rise above the challenge and live full and fulfilling lives.

Introducing Track Junkies

Its time to start planning for the new Castrol Raceway road course that opens in May!

I’m sure you’ve heard that the road course at Castrol Raceway is 80% paved, and they are on schedule to open the short 1.3 km track in May and the full 2.7 km track by August. What you may not know is that you can get on the new track with a new track group called Track Junkies.

Track Junkies has secured 12 dates at Castrol for recreational lapping in 2013.  They have a combination of Wednesday evenings and Fridays (one Saturday), with some early-season events on the 1.3km track and later-season events on the full track. And they have booked the track for the Friday before every NASCC race weekend for 2013.

All the details about the group, event formats, and rates are on our website at but the highlights are:

  • Twelve (12) open lapping events booked at Castrol Raceway for the 2013 season, with a couple more in the works
  • Run groups with different passing protocols, ranging from passing on the straights only for more conservative drivers all the way up to open passing anywhere for the most seasoned Track Junkies
  • Friday events offer up to 2.5 hours of scheduled track time per run group (Wednesday evenings offer 1.0 hours minimum per run group)
  • Agreement with NASCC to manage their open lapping sessions on race weekends (4 race weekends, so 8 additional days at 1.0 hours per day of scheduled track time)
  • Track booked for the Friday before each NASCC weekend, which provides four 3-day weekends on the track this season (up to 4.5 hours of potential track time over the weekend) … great for anyone travelling a long distance!
  • Track booked the Friday before the tentative Chump Car weekend.
  • Instruction available … if you are new to track driving Track Junkies can help you get started, or to help experienced drivers learn the line before an upcoming race.
  • Annual memberships are available, with benefits that include: early registration for events, discounted fees at all events (including the 3-day NASCC weekends), and the ability to book into multiple run groups on Fridays and Wednesday evenings Track Junkies lapping events.
  • Using MotorsportReg as the event registration system … very, very easy to use.

When you look at the event calendar, you’ll note several evening events in the early season, but come August it will be full day events on the full 2.7 km track.  The last 1.5 hours of the day will be open track … so up to 2.5 hours of track time of Fridays.  And of course if paving is complete earlier than August we will move all our events up to the FULL 2.7 Km track!

Annual Memberships (access to early booking, discounted fees, and booking into multiple run groups at the same event) are limited to 40 members.  The reason for this low membership cap is that the short track will have a capacity constraint, and we do not want to take so many members that the track is too busy (or worse, that annual members cannot all attend).

So … if you are interested, you can sign up for Annual Membership starting today at (registration for the first event will opens April 18 for members and the week after the car show on April 26 for non-members).

Feel free to share this information with other track enthusiasts, and we’ll see you at the track soon.

Track Junkies is sponsored by Eurasia Automotive.

Winter Inspection Special

49 Points for $49


Time to get your vehicle checked for the upcoming season, and ensure the harsh winter conditions will not leave you stranded.

Our winter inspection includes a check of 49 individual components and systems including:

  • heating system,
  • defroster,
  • antifreeze strength,
  • block and/or pan heater,
  • windshield wipers and washers,
  • charging system and battery,
  • brakes and suspension components, and
  • tires.

When we’re done you get a written report of what we’ve found. And if any components or systems need attention, we will provide a competitive, itemized quote for your consideration.

Service item available anytime, but price valid until December 23, 2010.

Spring Inspection Special

49 Points for $49

Spring has sprung.  Time to get your vehicle checked for the upcoming season, and see whether the harsh winter conditions have resulted in any damage or wear.

Our spring inspection includes a check of 49 individual components and systems including:

  • air conditioning,
  • brakes,
  • tires,
  • suspension components, and
  • cooling system.

When we’re done you get a written report of what we’ve found. And if any components or systems that may need attention, we will provide a competitive, itemized quote for your consideration.

Service item available anytime, but price valid until July 31, 2010.